07 Thermally conductive graphite foils, synthetic pyrolitic graphene films
Thermally conductive graphite foils, synthetic pyrolitic graphene films. Silicone-free, anisotropic, high-performance interface material
Thermally conductive graphite foils, synthetic pyrolitic graphene films
ICT SUEDWERK holds a top-range selection of the most diverse, highly thermoconductive interface materials made of natural graphite or synthetic pyrolytic graphene. The different product types pair superior thermal conductivity with very low thermal transfer and contact resistances in an ideal way. The material structure of theses products is the reason for their anisotropic conductivity, both in the x-y direction (in-plane) and the z-direction (through-plane). As T.I.M.s, they are ideally suited for heat spreading at point sources of heat, avoiding the formation of hot spots.
The natural softness of these materials allows for direct surface contact even at very low pressure. Air pockets are eliminated, thermal contact and total transfer resistances are minimized. Graphite films are silicone-free and an alternative to thermally conductive pastes. They are excellently suited for applications which do not reach temperatures required for phase-change and therefore preclude the use of PC films. The high temperature resistance of graphite/graphene-based interface materials makes them ideal even for applications where working temperatures
of >200°C are common. Owing to their electric properties, these ICT SUEDWERK products also ensure EMI shielding upt to the GHz range, with excellent dampening efficiency.